Annual general meeting

CTT’s AGM is held in Nyköping during the second quarter of the year. No later than at the publication of the third-quarter report, shareholders are informed of the time and place of the AGM and are provided information on their right to have business discussed at the AGM. The notice of the AGM is published at the earliest six weeks, but no later than four weeks, before the date of the AGM.

The AGM is informed about the company’s development over the past fiscal year and decides on a number of central issues, such as changes the election of auditor, discharging the Board from liability for the fiscal year, remuneration for the Board and fees to the auditor, decisions on the number of Board members, election of the Board for the period up to the close of the next AGM and dividends.

Voting rights at CTT’s AGM
Shareholders are entitled to participate in and vote at the AGM if they are recorded in the register of shareholders and have reported their intention to attend by the specified deadline. Shareholders who cannot attend the AGM in person may appoint a proxy or cast a postal vote. All printed information is in both Swedish and English from 2023. Every CTT shareholder entitled to vote may vote for the entire number of the shares owned and represented by the shareholder without restrictions to the number of votes.

AGM 2024

AGM 2021

AGM 2023

AGM 2020

AGM 2022