Corporate governance practices refer to the decision-making systems through which owners directly or indirectly control a company. CTT is a Swedish public stock corporation with shares listed on Nasdaq Stockholm AB. The authority, management and control are distributed between the shareholders, the board of directors, the CEO and the management group in accordance with current legislation, regulations and instructions.

CTT Systems is a Swedish limited liability company which operates under Swedish law and its corporate governance is regulated by the Articles of Association, the listing agreement with Nasdaq Stockholm, other applicable rules and norms, the Code of Conduct and other instructions and policies.

CTT Systems applies the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (“Code” – The Corporate Governance Report has been prepared in accordance with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and the Swedish Companies Act, Nasdaq Stockholm’s regulations for issuers, the Code, and other applicable Swedish laws and regulations. In addition to rules pursuant to law or other legislation, CTT uses dilgent internal control as basis for CTT’s corporate governance, including the Articles of Association, Rules of procedures for the Board of Directors and the CEO, policy documents and the Code of Conduct.

Governance in CTT Systems takes place through the shareholders via General Meetings of Shareholders, the Board of Directors, the CEO and the senior executive management of CTT Systems in accordance with, among other things, the Swedish Companies Act, other laws and regulations, the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors.


The company’s financial reports and accounts, as well as the administration of the Board and the President, are reviewed in line with generally accepted auditing standards by the company’s external auditors, who are elected by the AGM. Current external auditors are PWC, represented by Andreas Skogh, certified auditor for CTT since the AGM 2023.