Videos – White papers

White paper videos about humidity and Anti-condensation system in aircraft

✅ White paper: Humidification for air freighter pilots by CTT Systems

✅ At typical cruising altitudes, the Relative Humidity (RH) in the cockpit and crew rest compartments can be as low as 3% - drier than some of the aridest
places ...
on Earth. This extreme dryness increases serious risks for a weakened immune system and has a negative impact on sleep.
But there is a solution.

👉 Read the white paper at

00:00 Introduction
00:05 The dilemma of dry air
00:09 Health implications: Understanding the need for humidification
00:12 Health implications: A weakened immune system
00:16 Health implications: Dry eyes and skin
00:19 Health implications: Decreased taste
00:23 Health implications: Negative impact on sleep
00:26 Humidifier Onboard system: A technological marvel
00:30 Combat VOCs and Improve air quality
00:33 Air filtration specialists: Collaboration
00:37 From Boeing 787 and 777X to Airbus A350: Operational benefits
00:40 Benefits to freighters: Introduction
00:44 Benefits to freighters: The growing role of widebody freighters
00:47 Benefits to freighters: Adapting the Humidifier Onboard solution
00:51 Benefits to freighters: Airbus A350F as a trailblazer
00:54 The future of cockpit comfort: Market trends and forecast
00:58 Conclusion: Transforming challenges into comfort

Tags: #humidity #freighters #cargoaircraft #airfreighters
#health #humidifieronboard #flightdeck #pilots
#wellbeing #cttsystems #whitepaper
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